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Has Anybody got the Server Config

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using the ArmA Game Demo version to actually let you take CTI become unselectable? Also to turn VOIP off?

I have tried wiki's, OFP websites, here etc. 15 different combinations of code it seems to deselect this map in the server.cfg file with no luck. I can vote, admin etc but I cannot make the CTI unselectable...Even putting a line in the MOTD - that says Do Not Select CTI - makes the people who log on have to try to select it.

We run this in a dedicated server so we can't be tied in 24/7 admin this thing, and I can't expect the different shifts on working to be constantly tied in either...SO HELP!!!

If you broke the "code" please post it here so I can sleep easier at night smile_o.gif

s/ ASU

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I don't think you can with the Demo. All three map modes are are combined into one MPMissions.pbo . Where in the full game ( I'm guessing and going off what OFP was like) hosted maps are in a folder called MPMissions, and you could specify which map the server should run by default. I UnPbo'd them and recreated seperate pbos for each map mode, but still had no luck. I just think its hard coded into the demo to select the mode from this MPMissions.pbo and nothing else.

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