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For the ofp.info community!

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I originally posted this a few minutes ago on the ofp.info forums.

Quote[/b] ]I tried contacting the site staff on the info email address, but I have gotten no response in the past week, so i'll post it here.

I played almost exclusively on the ofp.info server over the summer, during the BAS term of addons. I took a bunch of screenshots and videos while playing because that's my nature. Well, I figured i'd try my hand at WMM and make it into a collage with a musical background. You'll have to give me some slack, as this is my first attempt at anything like this. However, I think you'll all find some way to appreciate it.

I hosted it on Youtube so you can all see it now, but I still have the entire thing saved and I am able to compress it into just about any size if anyone (including ofp.info) wants to host it.



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