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Any one got any C&H missions?

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lookig for some capture & hold missions. Anyone got any or can point my in the direction of some downloads ?


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Chillmasta of [uMPC] has made a pack of four C&H maps (Dolores, Alcazar, The factories and Desertrumble). They are available on the UMPC Server as well on the GER (globalearth) Server.

Altogether as a download under this link:

UMPC C&H-Mappack


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A port of Dax's C&H scripts for OFP:R would be more appreciated imho.

I don't like the vast zones where you simply have to walk in to conquer a position. Dax solved that in a better way, by using zones with a diameter of 10 to 20 metres next to a flag, not 80 to 100 where you can simply sit down in a bush, wait to block the conquest of the position.

On Dolores, the birds are pretty feckless since you have stingers at the highest position available, the radiostation above the town. Any approach is going to be ended right in the moment you reach the battlefield. Either Chill puts those stingers downtown or he better removes both, the birds and the stingers.

Just two of my comments.

The maps need some gameplay tweaks of course, but it's good to have at least some C&Hs available for ArmA nowadays. Way to go!

Btw: I am somehow surprised to see Chill with UMPC wink_o.gif

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Ive uploaded the maps, but they dont appear on the servers mission list, even after a reboot. crazy_o.gif

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Mh, strange. I've put them into the mpmissions directory and they were promptly available, even without a single reboot or restart.

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