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free choiceable Respawnpoints ? (+ otherthings..)

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first, sorry for my bad english :>

Until now, noone in german forums can answer me that question:

Is it possible to make respspawnpoints wich can be choosen from the players ? like i want to respawn at A1 and not H1 ...because in my currently and future missions it is necessary/better to choose your respawn by yourself...a pilot team for example should spawn at the "aircraft" spawn...and not at the tank or infantry spawn...if you know what i mean...

can somebody tell me if this is possible ?

then i got a other problem:

in my first mission there are 2 mobil spawnpoints...the first at mission start is the "boat"..the 2nd is a truck, which can be used for faster transport. i made it, that the 2nd spawn will be activated if player "xy" is in the truck..if thats the case, the first respawnpoint (= the boat) will be deleted, because i wanted that the first respawnpoint shouldnt work anymore at that moment..but thats troublesome...sometimes the player repspawn in the wide and open sea...and then he spawns at the truck...but the player should every time respawn at the truck, if player xy enters the truck ...

i hope you can understand me, and please help me sad_o.gif

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I'm wondering which forums you tried, I'm sure you'd have got an answer here.

And yes, both is possible. wink_o.gif

To the chooseable "respawnpoints": When should the player be able to choose? During the mission or while assigning?

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hi, no i didnt ask there ^^...i asked in www.armed-assault.de and www.arma-game.de ...because they are the most visited arma forums imo...

during the mission i whould have to use the "actionmenu" but what do you mean with "assigning" ? my translator (http://dict.leo.org/) shows so much meanings ...:/

Ich würde Dir raten, dort zu fragen, wenn Du nicht genug Englisch kannst wink_o.gif Mit "during assigning" meinte ich, ob man den Respawnpunkt in dem Bildschirm auswählen können soll, in dem man sich auch die Rolle aussucht, die man spielen möchte. smile_o.gif

Bitte nicht auf Deutsch antworten, das wäre gegen die hiesigen Regeln, betrachte diese Antwort als Ausnahme whistle.gif

(I explained what I meant with assigning.)

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hmm, and can u explain me both way´s ^^?

ah another question:

on some servers there was a linked "word" which brought you to another briefing site, do you know how that worked ?

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