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P CZ 1.02 Armored movements

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Thanks BIS for releasing this patch so quickly. Experienced some improvements.

Not sure if anyone has similar problems. None of my strykers seem to be able to cross bridges anymore. M113's and tanks have no issues. This did not occur in 1.01.

Just before or on a bridge they halt and move very slow (tried full speed as well in the editor). I Apologize if this should have been part of the scripting topic.

Am I doing something wrong?

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Think I need to kick this myself:

Put a stryker in the town of Corazol, moving from west to east just a few meters before the main bridge crossing that town. Even if you put yourselve as a driver the max speed falls even below walking speed. As soon as you touch the bridge element the stricker doesnt move anymore.

No problems with other vehicles. Anyone else able to reproduce this?

(Game runs much smoother after 1.0.2)

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This sounds like a bug not a troubleshooting issue, a troubleshooting issue is:

When a Stryker tries to cross a bridge my PC explodes killing my cat.

Use the bug thread please for reporting bugs.

Or better yet use the Community Wiki bug page to report the issue along with clear reproduction. That's the only place that it's really feasible to makes reports where and how BIS can use them.

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