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Error On Startup

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Could anyone give me a clue as to why I've started getting this error message when i try to load the game

DXT1..DXT5 support missing

I've had the game about a week and a bit (Czech version) and its been fine till today, Ive tried re-installing but after the game goes past the starforce disk check and black screen it then crashes to desktop with the above error.

Before anyone asks, it is a legit copy shipped from Czech.

Regards Pondlife.

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I'm suffering of the same problem with the demo. Here's a solution to the problem, in german. I kinda understood it but could someone please translate it.

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I had the same problem. The solution from the German site it so reinstall your video drivers. BUT FIRST you MUST remove all the OLD drivers. If you go to the ATI site and look up the instructions it will show you how to do this properly. I am not familiar with the Gforce site.

Anyways, I did that and installed fresh new drivers and it works great.


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