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What FPS are you getting

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I'm just curious to know what FPS you are getting. I have a good rig. Geforce 7800card 2 gig ram but am only getting 20 to 35 fps. I have set Res 1024x768 most things are on normal AA is disabled shadows low...ect Is anyone getting a good FPS and if so what did you do to get it. I was playing in a game today in one of the citys and my FPS was 12 FPS.

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I've got a similar system, was getting similar FPS. How much video card ram does you 7800 have? That seems to make a 10-15 FPS difference from 256 - 512.

I found that turning texture quality to Low solved my FPS issues, was getting 15-20 in open areas, and under 15 in cities/forests. With Low texture quality, I usually get 25-30 FPS in open areas and 15-20 FPS in forests, 20-25 FPS in cities, this is all with units on screen too.

The other options didn't really add or subtract much FPS, save terrain detail and shadow quality. Viewdistance was a pretty big factor, have it set to just over 3000, setting it lower will improve FPS somewhat, but it still won't help near lots of foliage.

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I think the ArmA Mark thread is the perfect thread to discuss what performance people are getting.

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