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How to edit the config-files?

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Using Mikero's EliteNess v2.03 I have de-pbo'ed "weapons.pbo" and de-rapified the "config.bin".

After having changed some weapons attributes in the cpp-files using Notepad I then Rapify, MakePbo and put the file back in the ArmA directory.

...but when I run the game none of my changes have any effect. Everything is just the same. sad_o.gif

Any suggestion as to what I am doing wrong?

(I'm new at this)

A link to a relevant tutorial would be much appreciated.

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Hello smile_o.gif

I personally use Kegetys' tools, but since you already have the Config.bin file, hopefully this will work the same.

Once you're given a .cpp file, the original .bin file overrides the new .cpp. So I personally make a temp directory for the config.bin file out in a different folder, and leave the config.cpp

Now make your changes in the Config.cpp file and save it.

Now you need to make the Weapons directoy INTO a pbo file, which is also easily doable using Kegetys tools. ALWAYS BACKUP THE OLD WEAPONS.PBO FILE, or ANY file you intend to replace for that matter. Once again, I put the original weapons.pbo into a temp folder.

Once this is done, your changes should appear ingame.

I'm unfamiliar with the Eliteness tool even though I downloaded them just last night. Hopefully this will be helpful to you.

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Eliteness is in effect the gui version of keg's tools. A more one-stop shop version. Developed separately of course, but Kegs and I achieve same ends.

when you rapify (binarise) the text file you see in the window, you need to give it a destination name, such as config.bin.

And, guggy is right, a config.cpp if present in the same pbo will take precedence over a config.bin. However, using the options panel in eliteness it will rename this file to config.cpp.txt to avoid the issue.

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