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Dedicated Servers not full potential

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I did a test of a squad reaction to 1 of it's members being shot the squad

is a standard squad with abilities untouched and no waypoints.

The first move is on a dedicated server. Sorry, not very exciting.


The second movie is Hosted, basically what you would see if you put it on

the editor.


Big difference right! The AI come looking for you on their own accord.

I have several missions where if I play them on the dedicated server the AI

are just basically static targets to be shot, but if I host with friends

the AI come to life and use strategy to attack us, it's like playing a

totally different mission.

So why are AI so dumb on dedicated servers? Will official software from BIS

to run dedicated servers fix this?

If you only play on dedicated servers you are not playing to the full

potential of ArmA.

Sorry Youtube not so great quality

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