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Problem with p3d file in self made addon

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I have just tried to make my own addon and all I have done is change some texture on a marksman soldier (The whole thing is very simple.)

I have the p3d file and all the necessary config files for it to work (I know this because I tested the addon in ArmA without doing anything with the p3d file and everything worked -> classname was there, it had the weapons i had assigned and it worked ingame, but had the old textures.)

Now what I did was I replaced all the texture lines in the jeger.p3d (old us_soldier_sabmark.p3d) (for the textures I wanted to replace) with the new ones.


eks: Replaced every




ISTAR_Jeger is the name of the addon..


did this with two other textures too in notepad ofcourse and saved.

Now when I try the addon ingame Arma crashes and give me the following error:

Bad version 538976296 in p3d file 'istar_jeger\jeger.p3d'


Whatta heck.  I thought I had done everything so correctly

Someone help please sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

(sorry for bad English)

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I think editing a P3D in NOTEPAD is your first problem - thats what probably broke the .p3d file. Before you bring up the fact other people are replacing textures easily, thats just because they're either replacing the DEFAULT textures (which doesn't require re-pathing of the .p3d file's texture paths), or just using a default model for a different role (e.g. the sniper model used for those recce unit). You'll need to either use a hexeditor (not much experience of this myself) to repath the file, or simply wait until the updated Oxygen2 is released.

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2 Ways to solve this problem, you need to do both.

1. Get a good hex editor

2. The whole path with filename has to be the exact same length as the original.

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