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Al Simmons

Worst Case Mod

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I decide to rename this project for diffrent reasons, some are the legal rights (dont wanna have same problems like the stargate mod) and second is a change in the mod structure.

Iam planning to release not a single mod, but diffrent modules which can be used as standalones.

IIS (Item Inventory System)

Dr.Pepper and me are working on this since a long time and will release an OFP version asap. It adds the possibility to missionmakers to use objects for mission objectives. (E.g.: Objectives is to steal some blueprints, so the missionmaker can places the specific object via editor, ingame the player can pick it up). We are working on a second Inventory where those objects can be stored, used! and watched. We are adding a lot of scripts in the hope to add some RPG-aspects, eg alcohol, food, water tirement scripts.... .


This project is designatet to simply add more wildlife to ArmA. Its still in its planning phase so any ideas are welcome.

Worst case

This is the story driven campaign, in which the player is stranded on an tropical island and has to make his way back to the civilisation.

It uses the other two modules. The player has to hunt for food, search for water, build shelters, weapons, traps and vehicles.

There are also SP & MP missions planned for this.

If theres anyone interested in one of the single projects feel free to join now.

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