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"Detected by..."  trigger: HOW to activate it???

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Hy everyone,

i need a trigger could be activated when one of my units is spotted by enemy...

I was suggested to use "Detected by..." option in trigger set but it doesn't work confused_o.gif ...

I set the following options, (assuming i lead a NATO group units) leaving the other ones as default:

Side : West

Detected by: West

Are these options correct?

I tried several time this trigger(i took a M1A tank and standing in front of a soviet soldier 2 meters apart trigger did not activate! banghead.gif ).

Probably i do not set trigger in a right way...

Can You help me?

Thank You

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detected by off course requires the side you want to

be detected of.

If you are West and your enemy is East then it's:

West detected by East wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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So i should simply set:

Side : West

Detected by : East

that's enough, is it correct?

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So i should simply set:

Side           : West

Detected by : East

that's enough, is it correct?

That's correct yeah smile_o.gif

ColonelSanderLite, that you are pretty sure this should be an issue anyways i don't understand now huh.gif

However, the context is true - the trigger's size needs

to cover the area in which you want that west gets

detected by east.

Just for info: a simple 'Sentry' waypoint for an eastern group returns exactly the same result as a side detected by other_side trigger with just the difference that you don't

need to specify an area and that it's for an individual group

to detect any enemy unit. wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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Quote[/b] ]ColonelSanderLite, that you are pretty sure this should be an issue anyways i don't understand now

I was meaning that I'm pretty sure the size of the tirgger is relevent to the area that will trigger it, however, as I haven't actually *done* that in forever, I wasn't positive.

You just confirmed it though

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