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How do i sucesfully install crime city?

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Im having alot of issues trying to get crimecity v1.1 to ge to my ofp server what do i need to upload thats good?

can anyone give me a link to a good download of crime city and the map crime city skye version v1.1

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well I have copies of it but its on my machine at home and deployed in Afghsnistan, suggest you get hold of the ERT mod guys, they used to run it a lot, and should have copies of it also.. or at least know the links to download all the files. plus the other islands that is played on like Ocean island and SLC, and the other wired one I fergot its name.

Make sure you run all anti hacking programs you can the game usualy draws in all the cheater type to pretty much mess up the game.. Mostly why the current crime city games are often playe don closed servers or they change the ports to not get pubs in..

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