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hehe I orderd my Special Edition today, I even was at my local bank to transfer the money.

can't wait for arma anylonger biggrin_o.gif

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just use info@morphicon.de


should be the easiest way to get an answer.

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The topic title says so, doesn't it?

True. This was before I saw there will be an English SE. I can't wait for this to come out and I'm extatic about the SE version which I must have. Pure DVD box with a one-page insert is a real letdown.

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Gamestar.de made a NEWS about the Special Edition: LINK

In the Comments most of the people said that they have ordered it (some of them are OFP Fans for sure)

but good that the community got the news before it went to public smile_o.gif

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Convincing work by Morphicon so far, I have to say...

Did anyone receive a payment confirmation yet? Those cheeky banks are stretching the transfer periods in an inappropriate manner. biggrin_o.gif

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The USK Page says this

Armed Assault

Publisher: Morphicon Limited

Alterseinstufung: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren gemäß § 14 JuSchG

Prüfdatum: 20.09.2006 USK Nr.: 16977/06

Sprache: englisch System: PC

Genre: Simulation Untergenre: militärisch

Now I'm confused... can the language be selected to english or not? huh.gif

Damn, currently one can't order the SE on the site... but they say to wait until later... yay.gif

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The USK test is from 20.09.2006 (OLD BUILD of teh agme) but the new GOLD VERSION was tested again.

In the German version only text and some scences are with spoken GERMAN.


but maybe there are some people who do not pay in the time of 5 days and then someone else can order.

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Me too!

I can hardly wait... I am so in love with all the features and graphics that are shown every day... inlove.gif

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Hm, I didn't, although the transfer data was correct and the money was apparently transferred on Monday. I don't want to lose my reservation. huh.gif I'll write a mail to Morphicon...

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i didn't get a confirmation yet either, let me/us know what u find out if u write them a mail. ty.

Edit: also what kind of confirmation do we get, like an E-mail or an actual letter?

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WTF? rofl.gif

My inquiry was sent at 1600CET and I received the response at 1601CET:

Quote[/b] ]

Sehr geehrter Kunde,

hiermit bestätigen wir den Zahlungseingang für die "ArmA Special Edition".

Die Ware wird spätestens am 28.11.2006 versand.

MfG Morphicon

Workaholics @ Morphicon biggrin_o.gif

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cool. i hope i get mine soon aswell in the next few days.

just so i have an idea of what time frame i'm lookin at here, the time between ur transfer and confirmation was 3 days?

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My Payment was confirmed.


if your payment went in it may take two days till they confrim it so no worries !

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I ordered Friday evening and performed the transfer at the same day by Internet Banking. Then there was the weekend and the money was apparently transferred on Monday, that's at least what Internet Banking says... smile_o.gif

I'm only wondering why Morphicon didn't sent the confirmation by themselves, I think they received the money before today.

You may also send them a mail if you think that your money should already be on their account.

EDIT: @benus: Sounds good, so there's nothing to worry about...

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ok ty very much for the info. yeah i ordered yesterday (tuesday) and took care of the payment the same day and the bank ensured me that my payment would go out that same day so i'll wait another day or 2 and see what happens.

Edit (16.11.06): joy. i just got my confirmation biggrin_o.gif

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