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RN Malboeuf

Is there any way to reload scud ?

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Is there any way to reload scud ?

i.e to make it repeat all the launch stages in loop ?

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I don't know if there is an easy method, but here is a simple script i wrote as a workaround.

Note : you can delete the comments , i put them just there to explain what is going on wink_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; you need a named empty scud vehicle and a named soldier

; you can use this script with

; [NameoftheScudLauncher,NameoftheSoldier] exec "nameofthisscript.sqs"

_ScudName = _this select 0

_DriverName = _this select 1

_xcoord = getpos _ScudName select 0

_ycoord = getpos _ScudName select 1

_dirsc = getdir _ScudName


; move the soldier in driver position of the scud

_DriverName moveindriver _ScudName


; the driver is now activating the scud

_ScudName action ["SCUD LAUNCH"]

;wait until the missile is deployed


; the driver launch the scud

_ScudName action ["SCUD START"]

; wait until the scud have fired

@(scudState _ScudName >= 4)

; a small additional wait to be sure the missile is away


; to reload the scud we need to delete the vehicle and recreate it

; in the same coordinates

; the driver will not be deleted

deletevehicle _ScudName

_ScudName = "Scud" createvehicle [_xcoord,_ycoord]

_ScudName setdir _dirsc

; additional wait to be sure the vehicle becomes usable


; and we go again

goto "startchck"


Note2 : you may want to insert a check inside this script to see if the scud launcher is destroyed to exit the script.

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That's definately not what I need. I want to animate another vehicle in the mod with "scud" anim ( you can replace anim and its name in the mod, i guess only time constant ), but I need this anim sequence to be played multiple times.

Any other ideas ? I only know scud stance is reset with save-load.

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Scud anims are *.rtm's so unless you can add extra anims to the class, probably not.

But why do you need to use the scud class in the first place?

I take it you want to make something based on the car class, that fires a missile? If not I'm sure the whole process could be simulated in a variety of ways. If you do need to use the car class, then think along the lines of MCar. BTW if it can wait until Arma, it's probably going to be easier than that.

There are other options to, but without more info on what it is your trying to model and what sequence of events you need.....

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I've got the opposite request.

I want to place launched scuds (as in empty) in my mission.

I'm guessing if I can set the right anim?

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