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gamelogic physicals and MP

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I've noticed that if server side (dedicated) created Gamelogics are MOVEINCARGO;

- On AI manned vehicle they are consided to be crew

- On Player manned vehicles they are considered to be crew

- On AI manned vehicles they PHYSICALLY are not in the crew seats, they are at exact centre of the Res LOD.

- On Player manned vehicles they are found at the GETOUT position

- On AI manned vehicles they still move with the vehicle

- On Player manned vehicles they don't seem to move with the vehicle anymore! Weird crazy_o.gif

In SP the Gamelogics do hold the correct physical locations.

Either way BI .... they are MP/Server bugs ... please fix for ArmA

........ still checkin and learnin

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This could be the same problem you had with the animations?  I have tested gamelogic positions for AI vehicles, on a dedicated server, without any problems.

But I ended up putting the proxies in all the LOD's and never had chance to narrow it down any further. At least start with the Geo LOD?

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But I ended up putting the proxies in all the LOD's and never had chance to narrow it down any further. At least start with the Geo LOD?

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh .... good point UNN ..... I don't think I have proxies in all LODs.

hehe ... gotta be careful before I sling it at BI smile_o.gif

....... back to testin.

Is there any particular LODs where proxies should never be placed ?

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The addon I tested had the proxies in the visual, Fire Geo, Geo, Hit points and memory LOD's. But I'm sure it could be narrowed down further.

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