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A few questions about ArmA

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I'm sorry I don't have time to sift through the 100's of pages of threads and posts on ArmA, so I'm starting this thread.  I have a few questions on how ArmA will be and if certain things have been fixed (since OFP).

-  Is there a way to get your men to stay close to you?  In OFP it was an extreme pain to do any kind of fighting in an urban area with a squad because they would stay in their normal open-ground distance intervals so they would be scattered all over the town.

-  Will certain systems be damaged on vehicles (mainly concerning aircraft) that will actually hinder your ability to control the vehicle or maybe eventually cause it to explode?  In OFP your plane could take a certain amount of damage, while still flying like a champ, until it hit the damage limit and you immediately died.  I'd rather have it where a stinger or something takes out your engine or causes a fire on board so you have a chance of ejecting before your plane explodes or crashes.  This would also allow the ability to crash land if your vehicle doesn't get completely destroyed as soon as it touches ground and you don't immediately die the instant your vehicle is destroyed (I see getting seriously injured of course).

-  Will sound effects be improved to be more realistic and immersive?  In OFP I could barely tell I was being shot at.  A bullet whizzing by your head sounded like a gentle breeze and barely made any noise if it hit the area around you.  I generally go for gameplay and place very little importance on graphics and such, but I would like at least some immersion when it comes to the sound effects, it really makes a big difference.

-  What is the water going to be like?  I'm not looking for Oblivion's water effects or anything, but I'd at least like to have everything look different underwater and be able to swim.

-  Are they planning on improving the AI's ability to use conver and concealment?



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