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Am I missing out? Still running ver. 1.0

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Here's quite a good news for those who have a not-recent PC but wanna play ECP or WGL5.1! I've NO idea if this has already been said in the forum, have just sort of discovered it now -well, only 'bout the ECP, someone else I play with told me how to tweak WGL5.1, so please bear me!

Anyhoo, for ECP:

1) go into it's folder (@ECP), find "ECP_Settings.sqf", make a copy of it and then open up the original one with the notepad;

2) scroll down till you see "Effects Override Setting";

3) a few lines under there's: //ECP_local set [32, "" ]; ;

4) insert it "low" in the quotations marks, it'll become //ECP_local set [32, "low" ];

5) save and try it out.

At least, I've seen some changements in the PC, it's much smoother... whistle.gif

For WGL5.1:

1) go into it's folder (@WGL5), find "wgl_settings.sqf", make a copy of it and then open up the original one with the notepad;

2) change ["exploFX",true] and ["tracers", true] into ["exploFX",false] and ["tracers", false] ; save the changements;

3) go into the folder bin and find "models_base.hpp", make a copy of it and then open up the original one with the notepad;

4) change everything as below (I can't remember which one apart from "BIS_MODELS" 'cause I've done it without making a copy)




//#define BWMOD_MODELS

//#define SFP_MODELS

//#define RYAN_MODELS

#define BIS_MODELS

//#define WGL5_MODELS

5) save and try it out.

Hope things work out...


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