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Occaisonal slowdowns in OFP

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Every time I play OFP it seems to slow down occaisonally for about 1 second. This happens especially when looking in a new direction. I have everything maxed, except for distance which is set at 1000 and shadows, which I have disabled entirely. Here is my setup:

OFP GOTY v. 1.96

-2.4ghz P4 with 400mhz FSB

-1024 RAM

-radeon 9700 pro

I don't see why my PC should be having problems running OFP. The slowdowns are somewhat rare, but occur often enough to become annoying. Like I said, they occur especially when looking in a new area, or when firefights get really heated up. While that sounds like a standard "just can't handle it" I'm surprised my PC can't run OFP fine.


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Not enough memory or you havent allowed enough memory to be used (run flashpointpreferences.exe). And very high terrain detail is insanely demanding for the CPU considering how old the game is.

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