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Diferent kind of completing a mission

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Hello all, i was wondering how I would go about making it so that if you complete all the objectives you win. I would do a simple kill everytthing and win, but in my mission you dont need to kill everything just select people.

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Set up an End trigger and in its condition put:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">!(alive unit1)

for example.

for more units to kill try

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"alive _x" count [unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4] == 0

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That is no my question, my question is how do i make it after you do all your objectives the misison ends.

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If you have multiple objectives:

Trigger objective one:

condition: !(alive unit1)

on activ: "1" ObjStatus "Done"; ob1 = true

Trigger objective two:

condition: !(alive unit2) or whatver condtion you want...

on activ: "2" ObjStatus "Done"; ob2 = true

and so on...

And make one End trigger for when the mission is a succes.

In its condition field put: ob1 AND ob2

Hope this is what you need; if not plz post ur objectives here which would be easyer to explain then.


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sry.. can anyone tell me whats wrong with this mad_o.gif

crwgrp = groupthis; "_x moveincargo M131" foreach units crwgrp

it never seems to work for me crazy_o.gif

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sry.. can anyone tell me whats wrong with this  mad_o.gif

crwgrp = groupthis; "_x moveincargo M131" foreach units crwgrp

it never seems to work for me  crazy_o.gif


does anyone please know whats wrong.. huh.gif for a mission to be complete i want all the units to start in the vehical and i dont want to do it the long way by setting every unit in game like "man1 moveincargo boat1" for about 13 groups of men huh.gif

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i know somebody knows.. please.. i got to get this mission pack released smile_o.gif ive started on a project which im not going to quit on smile_o.gif ive even made my own mission editors quide so i dont froget the simple hard codes of mission editing smile_o.gif

[Check abouve post]

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no, not if you aren't going to do a simple search... also you have hijacked this thread which is not on either! so go and find out yourself.

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no, not if you aren't going to do a simple search... also you have hijacked this thread which is not on either! so go and find out yourself.

Your welcome, i did do a search, and no luck and this threds question was answered so i guessed instead of making a new thred for such a little question was pointless. wink_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">crwgrp = groupthis; "_x moveincargo M131" foreach units crwgrp

groupthis should be group this?

as for the m131 is that a new m113? smile_o.gif

*or maybe I'm not really awake yet hmm

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