combat-agent 0 Posted August 11, 2006 Im making a mission primarily for single player but Im making it multiplayer compatible. The majority of everything ive put in it so far is compatible, but there are a few things that do not work. I have never made a multiplayer mission with this type of scripting, and could find no tutorial on multiplayer mission editing. If someone knows of one, please point me in the right direction. Heres my problems: 1. I exec exactly four scripts from the init.sqs. On the client computer an error comes up saying it cannot find one of the four scripts. And the scripts that are supposed to be executed do not work on the client. Figured this one out, I had the scripts in a folder, for some reason on Mp scripts loaded at the begining of the mission have to be in the root directory of mission folder. But this brings up a new questing. Look at #5 2. I made an satchel charge addon, and when the unit that has the satchel charge is ordered to place one, he will just play the putdown animation, but not actually put the charge. Now I have the COC CE in my mission. I turn the group cammera on to another group that had this unit, and commanded him to do that same exact thing, it worked. Anyone know why this would happen? I got around this one. BIS, I guess, didnt make the "timebomb" mp campatible. I just made the unit join the players group at the beggining of the mission and all worked out. scratch 1 problem. 3. I made a addon that is not weapons, but just useless magazines that simulate carrying a map, compass, and watch. For some reason these cannot be picked up once dropped in mp? 4. this isnt exactly for multiplayer. Im using COC CE and DAC in my mission. COC CE does not detect the created DAC units, is there a way to make COC detect them? 5. I have a script that play a random song every 420 seconds. In mp, I want the same song played on every computer, it doesnt do that right now. Heres what I got. Musicmixer.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_1 = _this select 0 ? _1 != server: exit #loop rNumber = random 7 hint format["%1", rnumber] rTrack = rNumber - (rNumber mod 1) rSong = rSongs select rTrack [] exec "play.sqs" ~420 goto "loop" this script is executed from a gamelogic named server play.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> playmusic rsong and the init.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> rSongs = ["FTrack1","FTrack2","FTrack3","FTrack4","FTrack5","FTrack6","FTrack7","FTrack8"] rSong = [] rTrack = 0 rNumber = 0 This mp crap is brain busting. Thats all for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites