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Need help to make "no zoom" optics for FFUR 2006

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Hello All,

I'm hoping that I can get some detailed advice from some of OFP's modding experts so that I can create my own mod.

I'd like to make it so that when a weapon with iron sights, or ITL MARS sights (International Technologies Lasers Multi-purpose Aiming Reflex Sight), and Aimpoint CompM2 sights are used, that the player is NOT given a magnified view. I'd also like to add this feature to ALL iron sight and non-magnifying sights such as the ones mentioned above, although I have no idea what the Russians call their non-magnifying "special" sights.

In other words, this mod is intended to add an extra level of realism to using these firearms with these kinds of sights. I'm tired of having an enemy in front of me, and when I bring my rifle to my eye, it's zoomed past him, and then I'm frantically searching to relocate him. There's an Unreal Tournament 1999 infantry-only total conversion that I've played in the past and highly admire, and its aiming system is about as "real" a simulation that I've ever seen in any video game, and that includes OFP. It even allows you to control your breathing to get an extra bit of accuracy.

But again, at this point, all I want to do is remove ALL magnification from any weapons that shouldn't have it to begin with; iron sights, reflex, aimpoint, etc., etc.

Due to my extremely tight time constraints, I'd like this mod to be compatible with the latest release of FFUR 2006. If someone would be kind enough to walk me through on what file I would need to alter, and the programs I would need to alter it with, it would be GREATLY appreciated. The more detailed the directions, the better. I found this thread listing http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....hl=zoom and unfortunately it didn't contain enough information to help me out. I also wasn't able to find "CoC's binary converter" that's linked to in said thread. Perhaps CoC's BinViewer is needed to get the job done? I simply don't know where to start, and that's why I'm here asking for help.

Thanks for your time and consideration!


July 31, 2006


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did you try WarGames once - we changed that aspect.

i am not sure if i got ya right... well

1. get CoC Binview

2. convert FFURs config.bin to cpp

3. open cpp

4. look for initFov/fov //minFov // maxFov for "Man" class

5. make them all "0.9"

hope its what you are looking for smile_o.gif

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Thank you for your quick reply! "No," I have not yet tried WarGames, BUT after I did a search for it and found the official site, all I can say is "Wow!" It sounds like almost everything I've been looking for, and seeing that Silola has contributed towards the mod made me start loading immediately. I'm currently in the process of downloading about a GB's worth of WG material, lol. Unfortunately, it looks like WG's server only allows for two active downloads at a time, so all of this downloading is going to take a while. Thank you for directing me towards it.

In the meantime, I investigated the first four steps that you recommended, and I was able to complete item #1, and Thunderbird kindly already supplied FFUR 2006's config file in cpp form (found under OperationFlashpoint/ffur2006/Bin/Editable config directory). I started looking through the config file's contents, and discovered that there aren't "initFov/fov //minFov // maxFov" entries listed directly under the "Class Man" category. However, these entries ARE listed numerous times throughout the config, but under such categories as "class ViewPilotBase", or "class ViewCommanderBase", or "class ViewGunnerBase", or "class ViewCargoBase", or "class ViewOpticsBase", etc., etc. Their values are similar to the following: initFov=0.7; minFov=0.42; maxFov=0.85;...

Are THESE the values that I set to "0.9"? If this is the case, then I assume that these values are "BASIC values", which would mean that the zoom setting is altered by whatever the weapon's scope magnification is, which itself must have its own separate config listing, since I haven't been able to find individual entries for specific firearms in Thunderbird's config file.

I hope that I was specific enough here so as to make sense.



August 1, 2006


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Hello All,

I still haven't received any kind of input that's helped me in this OFP modding endeavor. I even started a new thread concerning this topic here: http://groups.google.com/group....cf46500 . Please take a quick look at what's been written there, as it addresses why my investigation in altering the "fov" settings didn't work out.

So, following TJ's advice, I now "bump up" this thread in the hopes of getting the help I need.



Aug. 13, 2006


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Try asking at the OFPEC forums. They are more active in the forum sections like this.

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