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Armor/ Explosion Script??

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Well...I did a little searching and didn't find anything and I hope I'm in the right place to ask a scripting question.

I was wondering if there was a script to make a tank/bradley/apc's armor more durable...it seems 1 LAW/ RPG will ALWAYS take out a vehicle such as a bradley or HMMVW. In a perfect world (in-game) I would want one of these vehicles to be hit and rendered useless but not totally destroyed (killing everyone in the vehicle).

If not, is there a way to make satchel charges less explosive therefore doing less damage?

Any suggestions would help...

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Maybe you can ask a mod to move the topic to Mission Editing and scripting section as it will get bigger audience there.

For the questions:

I guess it would be quite intense to limit the weapon damage or to constantly put the unit on damage 0.8

From what I know there is no workaround that would work flawless.

If not done in an addon, it´s almost impossible imo.

Quote[/b] ]If not, is there a way to make satchel charges less explosive therefore doing less damage?

Again, you´d need to make an addon on your own that is less destroying as the BIS satchel.

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Mission editing questions belong in the mission editing forum. Please look first to make sure you're posting in the right forum smile_o.gif

Moving to ME&S

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