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ArmA - remap keyboard and mouse support

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I haven't noticed anything in the recent rounds of ArmA beta reviews about keyboard and mouse support.

The org. game was flawed in how you were allowed to remap the keys on the mouse. At least one mouse button always had to be the primary action key, which meant many of us were unable to use our favorite key configs.

Does anyone know if ArmA will allow you to completely remap the buttons on the mouse and keyboard? I really, really hope this is fixed in the upcoming version.


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Good point! I hadn't thought about keyboard mapping till you brought it up.

I've been playing First Person Shooters for years and years now and I don't play with the standard WASD setup. I play on the other side of the keyboard using:

A=Delete S=End D=Page Down and I actually use the Right Click for W (moving forward). It is weird, but for me it is ideal. I also make use of the Backspace key, which often times in games won't allow you to bind. The 10key pad is used a lot too. Half-Life allows for all of these keys to be remapped, I hope ArmA does as well. Not being a programer I don't know how difficult it is to implement, but being a consumer I see one game doing it so I assume it can be done easily.

Here's to hoping we can map everything in ArmA.

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IIRC BIS said something about easier remapping of keys, but they might as well meant something like attaching certain scripts to certain keys for mods  smile_o.gif

EDIT: Dug it up from the ofp.info exclusive interview:

Quote[/b] ]

Q: Will you add more special features for vehicles and also allow their assignment with keyboard keys (option1, option 2 etc)? These special features would add a lot of realism and fun to the game, by example there would be auto rotation for helos, afterburner for a plane, launching smoke grenades for a tank, hand brake for a car, etc ?

A: Of course we want to add as many special features as we can but please remember that we are still creating a game not a perfect simulator of every type of vehicle. So yes, some special features will be there and we plan much better "keyboard support" than before.

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Yeah, i thought there was a command "bindkey" in VBS1 or OFP:E to assign keys in a script. Hope it will be in Amra aswell.

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