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Oxygen and its mysteries

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Well folks, I know that all the ppl use Oxygen in order to create models... But there are some menus, actions that seem to be yet not explained...

1)--->see the pic


Well, if you click on it, you'll be able to open some <span style='color:red'>Objective 2 actions</span> files (.act)... but I've never seen or heard about those files! crazy_o.gif  

2)--->see the pic


Weights? what is this? huh.gif

3)---> see the pic


I don't know but this action (Extend licence) is not available...

4)---> see the pic


If you click "M" on your keyboard a "map Dialog" comes up... but I don't know what is its use!

Now please someone could answer me, even if he doesn't know what I'v just written... thanks!  smile_o.gif   biggrin_o.gif

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i think i know what are some of those...

1st) the thin record action, i just learn it for you. but i think that is like a swap file or something in case you want to bring your model i a previus stage, if you make a mistake.

2nd) weights are (open bisman) for example. which is in MLOD format. you see, when a vertex is common in a selection i think thhat with weight, you can aadjust how much is the force cause by the vertex by each selection. ex. lrameno eselection and lbcpes are having some common, vertexes, by definnig the weight, is, how each selection are interacts uppon on the vertexes.

3rd) the M key dialo i have no idea how it works, but i think that is something like UVW mapping on 3dsmax. but i'm afraid that it has been left there to O2light with no fuctionality. I'm very interestd in hearing me too what this thing is doing.

P.S. NOTICE that when you convert a model from ODOL to MLOD with ODOL explorer, odol explorer screwing up the selwections, also you can't see weights correct, the only way to see the correct weights interaction on a model, is by opening BIS sample models, which is in MLOD format.

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Before O2 was released publicly everyone interested had to contact BIS. They would then either be sent a license key and access to the Breathe part of this forum, or they would be refused. That disabled function is a left over from that time.

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Thanks a lot men!  wink_o.gif  smile_o.gif

but do you know how to write those action files?

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