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Change Faces

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How do i determine who gets what face?

I want to use the VBS1 soldiers and there faces, but when I do use the VBS1 models there face are all screwy until I change this in my config.cpp

from this...

class Face1


name="Peter P.";




to this...

class Face1


name="Peter P.";




Now this works for the VBS1 models now, but all my other soldier models a screwy.

It only goes up to class Face52

Can I add 53 - 104 and use the BIS textures. How would I fix this?

P.S. I added all of the VBS1 files to my OFP data.pbo and data3d.pbo files so everything is all in one.

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I would suggest you take a close read at the terms of legal use for VBS1.

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