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How to set random faces?

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Any one could help to tell how to set the customzied random faces in an addon? For example, I wanna put Lauma's new face pack to my soldier pack in random. How should I do to get the random setting?

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Well, i haven't tried it but this should work if you launch that script through the eventhandler "init" of the config :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_unit = _this select 0

;array of your faces : use the config name of the face and don't forget the quotation marks :

_facearray = ["face01","face02","face03"]

;pick a random rounded number between 0 and 2 :

_r = random 2

_t = _r - (_r mod 1)

; select a face in the array :

_face = _facearray select _t

; apply the face on the unit :

_unit setface _face


The config of your unit, if the previous script is named "randomface.sqs" :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class My_unit: soldier



class EventHandlers


init=_this exec "\path_to_my_addon\randomface.sqs";



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Thank you, but I'm afraid still haven't got the point. Should I need make a random face file in .sqs first?

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Two ways of modifying random face :

(1) modifiy config.bin of the game (as mods do), but if you only release an addon, you cannot do this ;

(2) launch a script on every units of your addon.

So :

(1) Create a script (adapt the previous posted one with accurate faces' names and adapt "_r = random 2") ;

(2) put the script in you addon pbo ;

(3) create an eventhandler "init" for your soldiers lauching the script.

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Two ways of modifying random face :

(1) modifiy config.bin of the game (as mods do), but if you only release an addon, you cannot do this ;

Their is a bug doing it this way and adding class EventHandlers


init=_this exec "\path_to_my_addon\randomface.sqs";



Into you're custom config bin! When you start to play a saved game (single player or campaign) The face's appear to flash because they are continualy switching between different face's. I get this bug with all the latest unit's that use facetex2

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Sorry, i was replying on a standard face setting, but apparently facetex2 is something very specific with an animated part of the p3d model...you'd better check the facetex2 topic.

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