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Mission briefing question

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Ok, first of all, i know that this question belongs to the "Realistic mission resource thread", but since it seems to be a little dead (i might be wrong though icon_rolleyes.gif ), i've decided to make a new thread. As mentioned before, a realistic mission briefing should include a WARNO or FRAGO, but i was just wondering if it would be necessary, if player is a soldier in a squad (no fireteam leader or anything, just nr.12). I mean it sounds a little weird to hand such info to every single grunt.

Thx in advance!

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In the US Army those types of orders are issued to ALL SOLDIERS so that every man knows what the mission is, who the enemy is, and what the commanders expected outcome is. Hey, if it is a really difficult mission #12 might end up being #1.

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Also mind it's still only a game, so you-we should loose it up a bit with all that realistic moods (as good and nice as they are); everything have its own limits; I see the trend, that all that dedication to the realism already 'choking' or at least to much tightening up the (newest) OFP user missions. wink_o.gif

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