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Units jump off BMPs when mission begins

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I was just wondering if it has something to do with my inhability to write a proper line or it was the addon.... I tried placing units on top of RHS T80 and ORCS BMP, i use the standard init like "_x moveincargo.......etc". It works with any other vehicle exept the ones, where they sit on top. Plz help!...

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I guess there are some notes about it in the Readme at least for RHS' T-80s. If not: It's the addon wink_o.gif

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i think the tank must be in safe mode so the units can ride on it, othervise the turret push them down

peace out


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D'OH crazy_o.gif ..... Youre right. I always used the "aware" mode... Thx for reminding me! notworthy.gif

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