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Ideas needed

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As I am new to this game I would like to gather your ideas about as of late what is the best weapons pack realesed in terms of realism as well as the looks?

By realism I mean several things like; ballistic realism (the implemantation of muzzle velocities, bullet weights, KE at target range, different ammo for same weapons, i.e. Ball, AP, SLAP, tracers, etc...), weight effects, ability to supported fire for supported weps, etc....

Before I began playing this game I was playing Fallout2 and I was devising up a mod for it in which I saw it lacked: different ammunition types for guns with all different ballistic effects in terms of armor piercing, bullet KE, bullet expansion, etc... I went into data gathering so deeply that the list got huge, but before I ever implemented that data for the game in a mod and release it, I got bored of the game so that data basically sits there in my comp idly.

I would like to know if in this game realistic issues written above are implemented already (either official or in some weapon mods, and to what degree)? Also as I am new I am just grabbing the basic aspects of modding the game, where can I access the data of weapons? Data about their ballstics, charactersitics, etc...

One more question, what is the most detailed M4 SOPMOD mod which nicely implemets various kits?

Thank you for your time and best wishes of success.

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Hey, Ike_Trak. Welcome to the forums and the game. Hope you like it here, most of us are nice enough. biggrin_o.gif

Regarding your question about ammo types, there isn't much variety, but we do have some projects. JAM is the major one, and IMHO the best. It was originally designed to allow similar weapons from different authors to function together, using the same magazine, but it's changed into a sort of "standardization". There is more types of ammunition than standard OFP, but only FMJ munitions as far as I know. Most of the variations involve sound suppression and high dispersion (for inaccuracy simulation).

The COMBAT! team has taken over development for JAM and CAVS, at least for Armed Assault. I don't know if they're planning on anything before then. But it sounds like you have some data that might be valuable to them. You might want to head over to the discussion thread and see if you can help.

I for one, would definitely like to see some hollowpoints for pistols or incendiary and SLAP for the .50 cals. I don't think OFP currently supports really in-depth ballistics data such as bullet expansion, bullet weight, or even loss of kinetic energy over time of flight, but it's worth a shot.

About the M4 SOPMOD: Everyone is going to give you a different answer for this one. biggrin_o.gif

Personally, I really like Earl's weapons included in the Marine Assault Pack by Suchey. I know there are newer and "flashier" ones available, but Earl's weapons look like what I think an M4 should look like. They just "feel" right, if you know what I mean.

Suchey's Marine Assault Pack can be found here.

Laser also has good M4s in his US Weapons pack. Almost every combination of gadgets currently used by the US military are provided. I like his older 2.01 version a little better than the latest 3.0 (find the latest a bit too "shiny").

You can grab version 3.00 here.

If you're like me and prefer the matte finish look, you can grab version 2.00 here and the 2.01 patch here.

Glad to see some new people getting interested in OFP. Have fun! thumbs-up.gif

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Thabks a lot AgentFox. I am trying out FFUR2006 now. Will see how it works out and if I can make addititons further from there

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Hi Ike_Trak balistics in OFP is not that realistic. The Most Addons are just using standard OFP ammo, JAM or selfmade ones. Balistics is represented through Speed, Damage (Direct- and inderect Hit), sound supression, dispersion (set through weapon) and ... nothing else i think. (Maybe i forgot something?)

Quote[/b] ]Also as I am new I am just grabbing the basic aspects of modding the game, where can I access the data of weapons? Data about their ballstics, charactersitics, etc...

Every Addon u place is mostly a .pbo file. In that file theres a file named config.cpp in that file all the Configurations are made. May u look for some Tutorials

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OK so a few workaround logics:

KE = 1/2mV2

Bullet weight = a constant assigned to each ammo

Bullet speed = f(distance to target)

Base Damage = f(KE)

Armor Penetration = Assign platforms a (z) constant which represents armor thickness.

Assign ammo a (y) constant which represents armor piercing ability

Armor Reduction = f(z,y)

*Base Damage (f(KE)) would represent penetration into target in no armor condition, however to calculate likeley damage = tissue removal we need to multiply that penetrarion with wound diameter:

Wound Diameter, wound volume calculation:

Case 1: FMJ, LRN, SWC types = No expansion, tissue removal = bullet diameter x base damage

Case 2: JHP, HSP types = As bullet enters the target it expands, actualy this happens almost quikly so u can omit the first expansion part and take it as it enters the body in expanded form = expanded diameter x base damage

Case 3: FMJBTs = The bullet loops after entrance and turns tail so volume should be calculated accordingy

Case4: FMJBT (fragmented) = In some conditions (speed, range) FMJBTs do break up into almost as much as 100-150 tiny pieces which overwhelms the wound, however this situation occurs not dominantly and is much harder to implement into a model. The bullet has to be above a certain speed otherwise it wont break up, it has to be below a certain speed otherwise it will leave the body before even turning tail, the bullet must have traveled some range before entrance, etc...


Final Damage = f(Tissue Removal, Armor Reduction)

Now Fallout players would immidiately recognize this formula as Fallout indeed had a nice ballistic calculation but lacking a few points, i.e. bullet speed at target range, armor reduction realism, etc...

The above I wrote can be implemented by scripts I would say but I am very new in the game and inexperienced to judge.

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Very interesting. Reminds me of the CAVS calculations for armor penetration/thickness.

One potential problem I see is that there is no such thing in OFP as armor for soldiers. The soldier units just have modifiable "health points", I think. But I don't know if any addon units actually change the default values based on modelled aesthetic body armor.

You also wouldn't be able to differentiate between a jacketed hollow point hitting a target outfitted with body armor or the same hitting a more vulnerable target. Consequently, there would be no way to simulate the poor penetration characteristics of expanding-type rounds.

So, the problem ends up being that the JHP and similar expanding-type rounds will ALWAYS do more damage than FMJ, creating a sort of "super bullet". There wouldn't be a drawback, as there is in real life.

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Hm... i was thinking about that Soldierarmor scripting while i was working on my Fallout weapons. So i got the idea, it should be possible to write a script (not me iam not with scripting smile_o.gif ) that is activated when the player (NPC) gets hit by a Bullet. This script scans what kind of ammo the player was hit by. After that it starts the effect. Eg : Player (Soldier with Bodyarmor) gets hit by 9mm JHP, after the hit the script reduces the dammage the player has taken, if the player would get a headshot he would die, no matter if JHP or FMJ.

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AgentFox there may be no armor value asssigned that ok. We assign a certain constant to each unit. Thatll be their armor value.

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