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Spawning AI Groups

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I'm working on a simple little coop for flashpoint.  It's got a group of 9 special forces soldiers surrounded in a small clearing in the Tonali jungle.  They have to hold off the enemy at the LZ until a helicopter comes to extract them.

If it helps at all the mission looks like this:


The problem is I want to have a endless stream of enemies attacking the LZ from different directions.  Ideally, I'd like to have a group come from each of the 4 arrows in the picture above.  I've been trying to find a script or something to keep respawning the groups and have them head towards the LZ.  I've searched the forums and the internet, but I just can't find something that would work and that I understand.  I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out.

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As far as I know, it is impossible to actually create a group in a mission. For every group you want to use, you must create a group (even if it's one man) in the mission editor.

I wrote a script to spawn an air cav squad and posted it here the other day:


You could use this as a basis to build on if you like. If you want unlimited waves, just modify it so there is always a guy at a safe inaccessable location.

Make no mistake, there is a lot of scripting to be done to sucessfully execute a spawn script.

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Fork, you may be interested in the following script suite from the Chain of Command:

Link to COC Forums

I think its function is to respawn enemy groups once they're dead a number of editor-set times, keeping all waypoints, etc.

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Here is a simple and remedial way to create an entire group:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

"officerW" createUnit [getpos Player, player, {TempReference = this}, 1, "CAPTAIN"]


; This next line takes the unit and creates a new group

[TempReference] join grpNull

"SoldierWB" createUnit [getpos Player, TempReference, {}, 0.75, "PRIVATE"]

"SoldierWG" createUnit [getpos Player, TempReference, {}, 0.75, "PRIVATE"]

"SoldierWMG" createUnit [getpos Player, TempReference, {}, 0.75, "PRIVATE"]

"SoldierWLaw" createUnit [getpos Player, TempReference, {}, 0.75, "PRIVATE"]

First unit spawn creates the unit within the players group...

also, the new unit gets assigned to a global variable for temporary reference ability. Followed by a short pause just to allow it to join a new group which is created.

Subsequent units get assigned to the referenced group.

The important thing is: [unit] join grpNull

will create a new group

Once 64 groups have been created it recycles and can cause erratic behavior

[EDIT] ColSanderslite: I highly recommend you check out the EnemyStack scripts by CoC. You would get a big kick out of em.

[EDIT 2] Corrected myself... the original code was wrong - was thinking of something else

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Wow, that's news to me. I'll have to try that out now!

So you create the unit inside of a group, then you create a new group and join the other units to it.

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Thanks for the link to that script biggrin_o.gif

What do I need to change to make the Enemy Stack scripts work with the BAS Tonal Rebels? (or any addon units)

I get lost in the tutorial once it gets to the part about Active and Available units.  I have the 4 spawn logics set up, but I get confused about what I have to do from there.

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