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i don\'t like this kind of multiplayer

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this is like the rogue spear multiplayer. I hate it. Why can it be where you can join servers and such. just like half-life, and all those other kickass games.

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I don't either. =(

Why not let bots fill squad spots until humans join?

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good point, but the problem is that the missions work like a cs match.

What would be acceptable, is when you could get a realy good cameras onto the player of choice (including see trough his eyes) and watch the game till it is over, and you can join. But hey, with this #### of a crapy netcoed, the do not even manage to get 2vs2 a fluent play over internet.

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if you dont like it dont play it..simple

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Are you talking about the north american version or the unptched european version ?

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YEA sure GHOST..thats the solution...? Hide when you see a problem...

"If you dont like it, dont play it" LOL

We like the game and we DO WANNA PLAY IT....thats what we talking about. Loose crappy gamespy and implement SERVER join INGAME..thats our motto...

If enough people say that too ..the mouth to mouth advertising will be after some time that the game sucks at Multiplay.. Couple of years ago it didnt matter..but now (me 2 even OFP IS BEST GAME NOW FOR ME) it DOES MATTER BIG.....

How ever I love OFP if they dont implement better server INGAME search options then whenever OFP is copied by some third little company but DID add the cool INGAME multiplay options its bye bye OFP and HELLO new game that has everything that OFP has and more..It always goes like that.

if Ghost Recon does have better multiplay options, (I will buy that game too because i am big fan of Rainbow Six too..but OFP is better) then you will probably see me play that over OFP.

But now OFp rocks and this will be for couple of weeks. But buying Add-ons and stuff and maybe OFP 2 will depend on GOOD MULTIPLAY OPTIONS and GOOD NETCODE....VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!

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Exactly my point. I think the best game out there, at this matter is Tribes2, anyone who played it online, know what I am talking about.

Netcode and community features are a quantum jump into the future.

I do like the game much. But I still wonder why the sold 200'000 copys. It was not good advertised, altought there was a little hype around it, it was not that big. It where very short on the shelves of the local retailers. It has a difficult, and sometimes frutstrating gameplay. The gameplay is future theme, wich not all peeps like. The weapons are also some "futuristic" wich makes somtimes a little lasershow, also not all peeps like that. The graphic is fine, but not that "whoa" great. I think the real audience for tribes2 is much smaller then 200000. I think actually there are about 4000 peeps realy playing this game.

But this is different for Flashpoint. So why can they not do at least a bit of the comfort tribes offers. If they would actually only implement only 1% of the good ideas, adapted from tribes2 to flashpoint, the multiplayer part would be great.

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Please make the multiplayer join through an in-game listing like counter strike or day of defeat. Not through Gamespy!

It takes too long and chews up resources.

Please let us join an active game even if we have to wait for the round to be done first. Also give us camera views of selectable players while we wait.

Thanks Brad Hoesman

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