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Ending mission with radio phone and other stuff

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Hello! I need help,

How I can end mission when I just click radio message on phone? And only one player can press that message how I do it?

How end music when its playing?

How I remove all ammos at truck so ,nobody cant take ammost at truck?

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In reverse order:


ClearWeaponCargo this; ClearMagazineCargo this

In the init field of the ammo truck.  If you want to do it during the mission:

ClearWeaponCargo truckname; ClearMagazineCargo truckname

n fadeMusic m

will set the music volume to m in n seconds. So

0 fadeMusic 0 will turn the volume to 0 instantly.

Not sure what you mean by the 'phone'.   I am no expert at multiplayer so I am not sure if is is possible to detect which unit fired a radio trigger.  Based on what I know I would experiment with giving the required unit an action to end the mission rather than use the radio.  That way you can be sure only one unit will have the action.

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Regarding the radio trigger:

To end the mission make the trigger TYPE field one of the ones that say "End"... like "End#1" or "End#2", etc....

To make it so only one unit can see the radio, put a trigger way up in some unused corner of the map and make it:


On Activation: if !(local manName) then {0 setRadioMsg "null"}

replace manName with the name of the unit you want to have the radio command. Also, replace 0 with a number for whichever radio command it is...

0 = Alpha

1 = Bravo

2 = Charlie.... etc...

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Well, at least it is that way in OFP goty 1.96. I think the latest official comref is for version 1.85.

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The radio numbers run from 1 (Alpha) to 10 (Juliet) where 10 is activated by pressing 0.

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