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Empty vehicles/boats

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I'm kind of noob at editing, but i'm about to get hang of it, but since ofpec is down for a while, i could use some help.gif .. Anyway, i'm trying to man an empty boat/vehicle with custom units and then make them transport a squad to a desired position. Everything goes well until it reaches its destination: they can't disembark. Only the crew jumps out. Can any1 help?

NB: i've tried the "standard" (load/unload and synchronize) procedure with manned vehicles and it worked. But this one is killing me banghead.gif

Thanks very much!

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You're using get out waypoint instead of transport unload arent you

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no. seriously. First i order the driver and gunner inside (this moveindriver etc....) then the squad (this moveincargo etc...). I add the last line for each unit in group SEPARATE from the driver and gunner (they make up another squad). In the group leaders init field (the one to be transported, i also put "grp name = group this" . Now i tried with transport unload and unload and neither worked. But it does work with default vehicles. Whats wrong?

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Alright, here is what you do. At the groups destination where you want them to get out, meaning everybody.

Give the vehicle a waypoint order "Transport Unload".

(It's in there, don't use the unload and load if you want the cargo and crew to get out.)

Also once you have place the waypoint order of "transport unload" place another waypoint order infront of that one of "Get Out" Here is what this will do.

The vehicle with the troops inside it will transport to the desired location and drop off the troops first in cargo, then it will also make the crew of the vehicle get out also.

But if you don't want the crew to get out just leave the first waypoint order of "transport unload".

Just as excess said..hope this helps you if I understand what you meant correctly.

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Sure thing, it did help! thx alot wink_o.gif

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