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Question about AI realism

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hey first time poster.

Ive been playing flashpoint for years, never really on online though.

I was just wondering is there any mod out there that can cut down some of the AI oddities.

Like im sitting there shooting with the whole squad im with shooting too but theyll pick me out and shoot me in 2 seconds, half the time. also like not being able to shoot through crap. sometimes ill get a bullet in me that the guy shouldnt have had los on me.

so just a question id appreciate any help

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Try ECP 1.085 and JAM3 HD mags.

You could also try one of the FFUR packs.

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i didn't understand your post.

do you want AI to be smarter and more powerful or less skilled? confused_o.gif


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I just want AI that arent super men.

I want if i am behind 10 bushs and they cant see me I cant see them kinda thing not for them to be able to shoot me.

or if i am firing with my squad for them not to pick me out before everybody else. it seems to be like i shoot kill someone and all their guys stop shooting at me squad and i get killed in 2 seconds.

I know its probably not possible to solve it, I just wanted to know if there is an script or add on that cuts down on the unbelieveable skills of the ai enemy.

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these mods make it worse for you then

they make AI smarter,what you want is dumb AI.

The original AI isn't dumb enough? wink_o.gif

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well its not that i want them dumber it just i thought there was like a add on that took los into consideration and made better judgements on shot decisions

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