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Modern malden beta

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Presented here beta version of this island, there is only demonstrative cells, so to to show the only general outline of island as well as to community could notify mistakes.


I try, that the island will give a big realism for typical, small, poor and ruined nation, where we can view all social extremities.

On island are big and small cities, bourgeoisie cities, working-industrial places, agricultural cities, countries, military bases, harbors.

I have hope that island is on so many well planned out that mission makers will interest this addon.

The first version (0.1b) will by develop in one version(with default textures and vegetation), but next version will by parted for 3 parts:

1.)Low version - with standard textures, standard vegetation and small quantity of buildings.

2.)Normal version - with WGL textures and standard vegetation

3.)Hight Quality version - with WGL textures and berghofs vegetation.

Gallery: http://modernmalden.funpi.de/galeria/

P.S. You can closed suject about in in subforum Mods and addons discussons ?

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maybe sobe service about OFP can hosted this addon ?

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Great looking island drabina smile_o.gif Once this is hosted on an ofp site I will not hesitate to download.

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In the following days the ofp.info server will be very slow because of the many FFUR2006 downloads.

We are very sorry about this  huh.gif

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Looks good thumbs-up.gif Since it's still beta you might wanna consider adding some pavement to the bigger cities, makes them look a lot better. If you wanna see what i mean search for Novajev on ofp.info and check out the big town where Petrovice was (it's a small download).

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Looks very good - I've been waiting for this to come out, mate. I will report back once I've had a look around (and played me new FFUR!wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Okey, I made the first path crazy_o.gif

-I added a pavemand, park, police office(unfortunetly this object is polish police station) and lights in La Riviera

-I fixed few bugs

-I added a few objcets in Airport

The patch is here whistle.gif





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I've also a little request...

I've noticed that in some island it's very hard to find an area, in the map, with the same altitude level (I hope you'll understand what I mean crazy_o.gif ). Could your fullfill your island with this request?

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After some fun running around your new Malden, some suggestions:

- Remove the shoddy old CWC military buildings from the Airport - add some Barracken.

- Perhaps make the ole Malden Island base (west side) off limits to civilians, and just make ONE HUGE military base there (battalion size or thereabouts?). Remove all other military bases except for the airport one.

- I had to download 15 PC addons for this island, and though his work is good - I didn't see them once. I'd remove the unique objects to decrease download time and make the download more attractive to users.

- The Nogova texture used on the North of the island doesn't blend in at all (especially seeing as it is adjacent to the desert!!!wink_o.gif.

- Make the island more zone-y. There seems to be too many factories at EVERY town. Make an industrial zone around a port or two and leave it at that. There should also be purely residential areas for suburbian brawlin'.

- Attempt to make your factories and the like smaller, and more condensed. There seems to be a lot of wide open spaces. Also, make your factory road networks a bit more useful (pass them under cranes and whatnot).

A good lil island - I hope you keep improving it! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]- Remove the shoddy old CWC military buildings from the Airport - add some Barracken.

Okey smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ] The Nogova texture used on the North of the island doesn't blend in at all (especially seeing as it is adjacent to the desert!!!wink_o.gif.

Yes I know sad_o.gif and it is my mistake

Quote[/b] ]Make the island more zone-y. There seems to be too many factories at EVERY town. Make an industrial zone around a port or two and leave it at that. There should also be purely residential areas for suburbian brawlin'.

I Can remove factories from a few cities(La riviera, Chotez and La Port) and in Larche, Trinite and Arrudy can I make a industry cities ?

and I can make a industry zone arround a port...

Quote[/b] ]I had to download 15 PC addons for this island, and though his work is good - I didn't see them once. I'd remove the unique objects to decrease download time and make the download more attractive to users.

Okey, I can remove this addons from island and pack smile_o.gif


I will improve all your attentions and I will make a few bulding for this island(slums sad_o.gif , richies houses) and maybe you have some idea for buldings and maybe you have idea for supplementary buildings ? wink_o.gif


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