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Metal Heart

Creating map objects on the fly

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An idea I had while thinking about making an air combat mission... could you createVehicle 'road' object assuming you knew what is such object's name? They are objects right? And how does one get those objects names without too much trouble (like de-pboing islands and stuff)?

I think I can figure out this my self but it would take some time and I bet someone has tried this, so save me from the trouble please.

Like this on a gamelogic but make road instead of bridge object:

n=0; while "n<20" do {bridge = "KEGres_House57" createVehicle [getpos this select 0,(getpos this select 1)+n*50,getpos this select 2]; n=n+1}

edit. Pfff I got names like silnice10 silnice25 etc but createvehicle doesnt create them, probably because they are not vehicles of course.

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Try using camCreate:

type camCreate position

Operand types:

type: String

position: Array

Type of returned value:



Create camera or actor of given type on given initial position (format Position). Type is one of "CAMERA", "SEAGULL".


_camera = camCreate getPos player

Another example:

_dummy = "AAR557" camCreate [9503.35,6983.22,4.5]

Will place a ruin on one of the islands to the east of Malden.

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I found out that there's road 'objects' when using Keg's editor update, tried createvehicling them on water and into air but they stick to the ground. Also, I don't think they have collision layer so they can't be used as a runway other than on the ground (for which I did find use btw tounge2.gif).

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