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Nicolas Eymerich

How to realize a list of all unit?

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Sorry for the title of this topic but it is the first one come into my mynd.

However this is the problem:

Player is able to get the control of a lot of differents vehicles as well air unit. The problem: I think it wuold be an interesting thing giving him the ability to check any time the status of his own units. In particular it wuold be fine to have the status of all units show in an hint text or something similar. Unfortunatly, I've no idea of how to resolve this problem...

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated...


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Something like this called from trigger Radio Alpha for example:

n=1;txt=""; {txt=txt+format["%1. %2\nspd=%3 hdg=%4 dmg=%5 wpn=%6\n\n",n,name _x,speed _x,direction _x,getdammage _x, primaryWeapon _x]; n=n+1} foreach units grp1; hint txt;

and in groupleader init box type grp1=group this

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Something like this called from trigger Radio Alpha for example:

n=1;txt=""; {txt=txt+format["%1. %2\nspd=%3 hdg=%4 dmg=%5 wpn=%6\n\n",n,name _x,speed _x,direction _x,getdammage _x, primaryWeapon _x]; n=n+1} foreach units grp1; hint txt;

and in groupleader init box type grp1=group this

This is a very interesting idea smile_o.gif

Plase consider however that in my mission Payer'll be able to control over 5 infantry group as well over 3 armored units and 2 air units.

The (good) idea you've suggested me will work only for a sigle group, instead. If I wuold an hint with any group of those... how I should proceed in your opinion?

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Well, it takes just a few copy'n'pastes and changing a couple of letters here and there to make the same command working for multiple groups.

How excatly you control those other groups?

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Quote[/b] ]

How excatly you control those other groups?

By action command. You can move the troops on the battlefield (using "onmapsingleclick"").

And after they die you're able to purchase other units...

At the condition, of course, you've enough credits.. wink_o.gif

Thanks for your reply smile_o.gif

I'll have a try this evening...

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