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j w

Limit of modification

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How much can I do to a OFP mission, SP, campaign etc?

Is there some kind of limit or can I do as much as I want just if I say that the mission is based on OFP original missions?


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well there is no limit thats whats so good about the game.

There is no limit but there is a barrier which will be hard to get through if you no nothing about scripting, for example you could make any kind of mission in ofp but there may be things you can only do with an advanced knowledge of scripting but if you know nothing about scripting thats where the good guys at ofpec come in  biggrin_o.gif

Anyway to answer the question in short no there is no limit

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I meant how much can I change to a OFP original mission.

Can I replace all the vehicles, units to 2005 units in the CWC campaing and call it my own?

Thats what I meant.


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I meant how much can I change to a OFP original mission.

Can I replace all the vehicles, units to 2005 units in the CWC campaing and call it my own?

Thats what I meant.


You can do whatever you want but if you just change the units then say that it's what you did. Replacing some units or doing some smaller changes wont make it your own. It won't be your own as long as you use any content made by others, unless those who made them told you that you don't need to credit them for their work.

Use something like this perhaps.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">*Mission/campaign name* by BIS

Updated by JW

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ahh well in that case changing the units and calling it your own wont be aloud to call it yours. If you edit some of the mission add extra patrols and change the objectives positions and add an extra objective then you will be able to call it yours aslong as it is still credited in the readme.

Im in a position where this has kind of happened ive made a mission all my own work excluding scripts and so on but the mission desiging is all my own. I was playing again the CWC camapign and played the mission where you parachute in and must secure that base on Kolgujev after the A10 mission.

And i relised that the missions are very simillar you both paradrop in different place in mine though, and must attack and secure the base there are more soldiers and armour though aswelll as some tents and other things.

Then you mut wait for the blackhawk to pick you up in the CWC mission this bit doesnt happen when the blackhawk comes close it is shot down by a shilka, and you must hold the base until some M113's come (Which happens in the CWC mission) this counter attack has alot more men and no armour there are also 2 Mi24's.

Even thought it may seem that i ripped it off from the CWC mission and changed it it is still my own.

Anyway what im trying to say is that you could re make the mission using same places and so on and same objectives, and still call it your own but if the idea did come from the mission then you should still credit and say you got the idea from such a such a mission.

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Hi guys, I'm very new to the editing game.  How can I import a CWC or Resistance mission so that I can mod it to suit my needs?

I don't plan to do anything major, primarily just change the weapon loadout at the beginning - that sort of thing.

Any help would be appreciated.


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You need a tool for unpacking PBO files (PboX, unPBO etc.). With that tool unpack the mission (in the missions folder) or if you want to edit a mission from a campaign, unpack the campaign and copy the needed mission to the users\your name\missions folder. Start the ingame mission editor, choose the island and then load the mission. This may seem complicated, but once you figure it out, it's a piece of cake. Good luck!

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