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360 controller in stead of mouse/keyboard

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This sounds perhaps completely ridiculous but i am/was considering to buy a 360 wired controller (usb) which also works under XP

I wanted to use it for OFP (and ArmA). I have already OFP:E on Xbox.

Idea is to setup the 360 controller with OFP the same as the controller setup in OFPE.

I am aware of not having enough buttons but then i will fallback to keyboard

Anyone any technical objections to this like 'gamepads/controllers do not work'?

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Well i will answer my own question here:) (copied from ofpe thread)

I AM a weirdo and i HAVE tried it.

I bought a wired 360 controller (i haven't yet a 360wink_o.gif, downed some drivers, knew from googling that there is some nice software for setting up mappings http://www.pinnaclegameprofiler.com downed that too (30 day trial), fiddled 2 hours with mappings and now i'm playing OFP (+ enhencements) with a 360 controller.

It works surprisingly well. Heli is much more fun than with mouse/keyboard. And as soldier it is ok. I'm sure m+k is quicker to aim, but controller is much more relaxed.

Well, on a modern pc system with all enhencements and on 1024x768 OFP looks still great. It is a bit void/clean compared to ofpe but hires and viewdistance are great.

Start really wondering what ArmA will bring us.

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well i would say dont get a 360 controller one of the main reasons i buy games for the pc instead of consoles is becuase i have the advantage of a keyboard and mouse

Its much more easier to aim and there are more choices for buttons

Lots of room and i find it generally much more easier

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Well it's good that you tried it and it worked and you liked it, but it's really not a troubleshooting issue as such smile_o.gif

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