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OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

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Remember that the Kiowa warrior's .50cal isn't the same M2HB we're all know.

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I would vote for the bog-standard Hydra loadout as default, with HE and Smoke rockets.

How are you going to get around the turret limit with the .50 cal? That will either make the laser designator fixed (very, very bad for the OH-58, since that is its main unique ability in OFP) or the .50 have 180 degrees of free-range (also pretty bad).

If you can't get around that limitation, then the .50 cal shouldn't be in the default loadout, in my opinion.

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or just make that .50cal woun't rotate at all... whistle.gif

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Sounds are still WIP, with the exception we already have ATAS, Hellfire and Hydra from the AH-64. If you have a paticular sound you think would work for the .50 cal, feel free to post it.


Yes, I know the .50 cal is on the port (that's left) side. After Prime Chance (the program that jump started the Kiowa Warrior program) where they considered having two .50 cals on a aircraft, was considered too cumbersome due to both guns requiring different feeds and ejection directions.

ATAS is a passive missile system, IR seeker, it only needs a IR signature to acquire a lock. Otherwise, the FCS will take data from the MMS and feed it to the weapons.

Those videos are a nice find! Amazing what you can find on the internet some days. wink_o.gif

Not sure I understand what you mean by propoganda. The majority of those videos are civilian made.


The system as it's called is M296, and for all intents and purposes, it's a M2HB with a lighter, shorter barrel, feed from the right side, and a slightly increased ROF.


We've already done what most addon makers have done in this situation, and classed the .50 cal weapon as a rocket launcher. It leaves a little puff of fire as from a rocket, but otherwise works like a machinegun. It also leaves the MMS clear open for full rotation and laser/spying use.

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I've seen a few pictures of the Kiowa with a stinger missile in the same manner as on the apache and littlebird, aka with a singel or dubble tube at the end of the weapon arm.

I think that an air selfdefense system is standard on most US Army helos. Atleast the strike version

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I think the major problem with the FFARs and other unguided weapons in ofp is that the AI fires them all in a bunch, that's why i ll play that thing with "Manual Fire". It's just a lot easier(and spares a lot of rockets biggrin_o.gif) for unguided weapons because as a pilot you can anticipate your actions and how your foolish horse flies wink_o.gif .

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Carlen, the ATAS is a rarely used weapon. It isn't very popular with Kiowa pilots and hardly ever used with Apaches - if theres enemy aircraft around, usually the Air Force boys are jumping on it like SERE students on bugs.

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Carlen, the ATAS is a rarely used weapon. It isn't very popular with Kiowa pilots and hardly ever used with Apaches - if theres enemy aircraft around, usually the Air Force boys are jumping on it like SERE students on bugs.

exactly! U.S. helis use ATAS only when U.S.A.F. (United States Air Force) or U.S.M.C. (United States Marine Corps) can't provide air cover, then ATAS are loaded on the pylons for the some sord of safe feeling  smile_o.gif

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As I said I have only seen photos. But when I think about it I would be all that happie if I hade to defend myself against a fast moving target sitting in a helo

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The Kiowa can only mount 4 ATAS max, and that takes up the only two pylons the aircraft has availible. Considering the fact that ATAS has the power of a bag of frozen peas, being able to only mount 2 + another weapon is prohibitive, especially if Apaches are nearby to deal with any aerial threats. ATAS does work but the question is how often will you need it.

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The Kiowa can only mount 4 ATAS max, and that takes up the only two pylons the aircraft has availible. Considering the fact that ATAS has the power of a bag of frozen peas, being able to only mount 2 + another weapon is prohibitive, especially if Apaches are nearby to deal with any aerial threats. ATAS does work but the question is how often will you need it.


In the current conflicts, I believe there is no threat from the air. I think the kiowa's in Iraq don't even have the Stingers mounted on one time.

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Rockets and Hellfires get the most attention, because the M296s have had a lot of problems maintenance-wise (lots of jams have been reported.)

And of course, as above, you just don't run into enemy aircraft.

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I vote for two ffar pods with he rockets.  It seems like the most versatile option.

The stingers probably have never been actually used in combat and probably never will be unless America is in a war where they dont have air superiority.  The hellfires from what I can tell are really only used against bunkers and buildings in support of ground troops, the kiowas arent really meant for anti-armor.  The .50 is pretty much limited to light trucks and infantry, and in OFP infantry stay pretty spread out so it is hard to hit them with a single .50 mounted on an aircraft, I dont think the .50 has the same dispersion as miniguns

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