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{9thInf} RenoVader

Mission Editor

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I couldnt find very much in this forum about the mission editor. I am looking SOOOOO forward to making some Co-op missions for Arma.

Some of you will remember GOON Ungoliant, who has made hundreds of OFP missions. He has joined the 9th Infantry Clan. We gonna saturate the market! tounge2.gif

I heard that the Arma editor is similar to OFP. I hope so, cause it took me 2 years to figure it out. wow_o.gif

Who else is super excited about the Editor???

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Yeah I think the OFP pritty much had it sussed, and you say you are going to saturate the market with missions?

Aslong as they are top quality we don't mind wink_o.gif


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I'm hoping we get some new scripting functions with Armed Assault.

As for co-op missions, those of us at FCM plan on starting back up after Armed Assault is released to get a new season started.

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FCM is a co-op tournament league, not a clan.  We decided to hold off on development of the next season until Armed Assault is released.  If you haven't heard of us check out the web-site and forums.  We have all the missions played in the first season available for download in the forums if you want some new missions to play.  Some of the missions will require a dedicated server to function correctly though.

As for scripting improvements I'd like to see are:

-A nearest object search function that is reliable at large distances.

-The ability to clear a units knowledge of another unit.  The only workaround for this that I know of is deleting the unit and recreating it which isn't very practical and depending on the situation can create lots of other problems.

-The ability to name a unit when it's created using the createunit command.  There's a workaround to get the name later, but it would be easier and more efficient to just get the name of the unit as a return value from the create function.

-A function that would check a variable's value on all clients and compare it to the value on the server.  This would be useful in finding out when publicvariables have taken effect.

Those are just a few I can think of off the top of my head.

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I just would like the scripting language to be very close to C or Java kind... For example, in Neverwinter Nights, the scripting language was so close to C that many people didn't even need to "learn" how to use it.. they just needed a reference on all the functions and they can knock up a mod real quick.

The one in the original OFP take some getting used to biggrin_o.gif

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