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Dedicated Server Config database

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Hi All,

I am trying to gather together a collection of Dedicated Server Performance Tuning Settings, in order to make a data base / chart of the most suitable settings for various internet connection speeds.

The sort of information I am after is referenced in the DS-Admin.rtf file, which is available on the net, however I know that all the server admins out there, frequently tweak their settings in order to best utilise their internet connections.

I would really appreciate if any server admins in the community, could post the following info, to assist me in this little project, in order to make a useful database / reference chart for the community.

It would be great if you could detail the following settings and number of players, that you have found which can safely be hosted, and the speed of internet connection that the server is hosted on.

These are the settings that I have found best so far, for the given internet connection.




MinBandwidth=262144; // 50% of 512kbps

MaxBandwidth=524288; // 100% of 512kbps


Max Players = 6

Connection 1.5Mbit Download / 512kbps Upload





MinBandwidth=1048576; // 1% of 100 Mbit

MaxBandwidth=8388608; // 8% of 100 Mbit

Players set at 12.

Connection 100Mbit Download / 100Mbit Upload

Many thanks in Advance.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MaxMsgSend=512;



MaxBandwidth=8388608; // 80% of 10 MB/s

MinBandwidth=5242880; // 50% of 10 MB/s

Maximum of 40 players, typical load is 12-20.

Connection is 100 Mbit/s. Traffic never seemed to go beyond 4-5 Mbit/s, therefor the settings have been limited to 10 Mbit/s.

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Thank you for posting HitmanFF, hopefully the data collected here will make a good point of reference for anyone wishing to run a dedicated server.

Anyone else got some more settings ?


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for our ctf dedicated server with 30 players we used this settings which were fine for ctf:

MaxMsgSend = 768;

MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

MaxSizeNonguaranteed= 512;

MinBandwidth = 1048576;

MaxBandwidth = 3122560;

MinErrorToSend = 0.01;

MaxCustomFileSize = 30720;

necessary upload bandwidth: 1 to 3 mbit/s

necessary processor for ctf maps with 20 to 30 players: at least 2ghz non-celeon/non-duron/non-sempron

hint: never buy gameservers with this processors is my personal experince even a celeron 2.4ghz is complete bullshit for a 10 players ctf map.

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MaxBandwidth=8388608; // 80% of 10 MB/s

MinBandwidth=5242880; // 50% of 10 MB/s


maxPlayers =40;





voiceovernet ="false";


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only a hint:

Dont mix up server.cfg with flashpoint.cfg!!!

Bandwith settings don't work @ server.cfg

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If one wanted to change some of the settings for cadet/veteran mode on a dedicated server, which .cfg file needs to be edited and where does it need to go? Basically all I want to do is turn tracers off in cadet mode on the server.

I know locally, all settings to be changed are in userinfo.cfg. should this be the same on the server?

Also, is there a way to force cadet mode without having a mission rotation set in the server.cfg?

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For a server it's the same: You have to change userinfo.cfg for this.

I'm unaware of a way to set cadet mode as default without the mission setup.

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