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Little request

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i need a script that would let you spawn with a random weapon, I looked everywhere and I cant find one.

Not that I suck at scripting, But I cant figure it out.. so I hope you'll help me smile_o.gif


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Not bad idea/request, dont recall it being made before tounge2.gif

But, basicly..

Look on OFPEC for weaponHolder (in editors depot), for a script that lets you create just a weapon on the ground

Then, use the random command, btween 1 and 10 (if you have 10 weapons)

Then, make an array of weapon classnames (_weapons=["weap1","weap2"] etc)


_selWeapon=_weapons select _random

And create that weapon, or put it in an ammo crate etc smile_o.gif

If you need more detailed help, say, but that gives you a half-decent outline of the code, I hope

- Ben

{Edit : first result is the code for the weaponHolder

You can use an ammo crate in the same way smile_o.gif}

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I think you didnt understand ( Maybe I havent asked clearly? )

well, Im making a MP Mission, a DM one, and I want that every time you spawn, you get a random weapon, get it ?

A friend made me a script that worked perfectly, but I deleted it by error..

Btw Peanut butter Ofp time  yay.gif

Edit: Ahh Nevermind I figuret it out myself  biggrin_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; ***************************************

; Operation Flashpoint Script

; ***************************************

_Unit = _This select 0

_RandNum = (Random 7)

?_RandNum < 1  && _RandNum > 0: Goto "W1"

?_RandNum < 2  && _RandNum > 1: Goto "W2"

?_RandNum < 3  && _RandNum > 2: Goto "W3"

?_RandNum < 4  && _RandNum > 3: Goto "W4"

?_RandNum < 5  && _RandNum > 4: Goto "W5"

?_RandNum < 6  && _RandNum > 5: Goto "W6"


_Unit AddMagazine "M16"

_Unit AddMagazine "M16"

_Unit AddMagazine "M16"

_Unit AddMagazine "M16"

_Unit AddMagazine "M16"

_Unit AddWeapon "M16"

Goto "Exit"


_Unit AddMagazine "M21"

_Unit AddMagazine "M21"

_Unit AddMagazine "M21"

_Unit AddMagazine "M21"

_Unit AddMagazine "M21"

_Unit AddWeapon "M21"

Goto "Exit"


_Unit AddMagazine "6G30Magazine"

_Unit AddMagazine "6G30Magazine"

_Unit AddWeapon "6G30"

Goto "Exit"


_Unit AddMagazine "HK"

_Unit AddMagazine "HK"

_Unit AddMagazine "HK"

_Unit AddMagazine "HK"

_Unit AddMagazine "HK"

_Unit AddWeapon "HK"

Goto "Exit"


_Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag"

_Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag"

_Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag"

_Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag"

_Unit AddMagazine "SteyrMag"

_Unit AddWeapon "Steyr"

Goto "Exit"


_Unit AddMagazine "M60"

_Unit AddMagazine "M60"

_Unit AddMagazine "M60"

_Unit AddMagazine "M60"

_Unit AddMagazine "M60"

_Unit AddWeapon "M60"

Goto "Exit"



Just need to Add _unit selectweapon "weapon" everywhere and its ok wink_o.gif

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_RandNum = (Random 7)

?_RandNum < 1  && _RandNum > 0: Goto "W1"

?_RandNum < 2  && _RandNum > 1: Goto "W2"

?_RandNum < 3  && _RandNum > 2: Goto "W3"

?_RandNum < 4  && _RandNum > 3: Goto "W4"

?_RandNum < 5  && _RandNum > 4: Goto "W5"

?_RandNum < 6  && _RandNum > 5: Goto "W6"

I just wanted to point out this could be:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_RandNum = (Random 7)

?_RandNum < 1 : Goto "W1"

?_RandNum < 2 : Goto "W2"

?_RandNum < 3 : Goto "W3"

?_RandNum < 4 : Goto "W4"

?_RandNum < 5 : Goto "W5"

?_RandNum < 6 : Goto "W6"

...I just think that's cool.  I love programming.


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you can shorten the script around something...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Unit = _this select 0

_AmmoArray = [["M16","M16",5],["M21","M21",5],["6G30","6G30Magazine",2],["HK","HK",5],["Steyr","SteyrMag",5],["M60","M60",5]]

_RandomAmmo = (_AmmoArray select (random ((count _AmmoArray) - 1)))

_Unit AddWeapon (_RandomAmmo select 0);_i = 0

While {_i < (_RandomAmmo select 2)} do {_Unit AddMagazine (_RandomAmmo select 1);_i = _i + 1}




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Ah, didn't notice you wanted to spawn the unit with a random weapon, though you meant spawn a random weapon (on the ground) icon_rolleyes.gif

Silola's idea is the neatest, and it's easy to add new weapons to, compared to the other example where you need to add several more lines

- Ben

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_RandomAmmo = (_AmmoArray select (random ((count _AmmoArray) - 1)))

Doing a select of, say, 1.4 doesn't hurt anyone?  I thought you had to do a _r - (_r % 1) or something.

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this also functions in this form.

OFP interprets 1.4 as 1 at this point,

or 1.8164 as 2 et cetera smile_o.gif



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