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Albert Schweitzer

The German election

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Disgusting behaviour of Schröder. Perhaps he was drunk already? No, serious, regarding the constructed victory of Schröder...

Yes, obviously constructed.  In fact, I'll bet he got so drunk that he even registered at this forum 9 times; once for each vote SPD got in the thread poll, so that they would end up with over twice as many votes as CDU/CSU.


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Disgusting behaviour of Schröder.

Yes, one German speaking, I can understand. Two or three Germans talking at the same time is not fun crazy_o.gif

Seriously, fighting with the moderators was perhaps not his smartest move, and yes he did come off somewhat arrogant by with a smug grin saying that he was the only one who could build a stable government. The attack on the media was not so clever either

But still, I can't really say that I was shocked or disgusted by what he said. To be fair, I only watched the 15 first minutes - I turned it off during the CSU leader's talk.

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Quote[/b] ]I turned it off during the CSU leader's talk.

That was the best thing you could anyway biggrin_o.gif

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But still, I can't really say that I was shocked or disgusted by what he said.

You know, he's the Medienkanzler. Chancellor of the media. A few years ago he never would have shown such a lapse.

But it's getting worse. Now they want to change the rules of the Bundestag, trying to split CDU/CSU -- just to stay in power. What's next, Dresden a kind of german Florida?


Fun to see how votes not given to the BlackRedYellowGreen block can cause such a confusion. I still see it as a chance: Perhaps they build a Große Koalition CDU+SPD after pushing Merkel and Schröder aside...


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