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Is there a way to speak via headsets using only ofp? I found Voicesettings in the prefferences - why should there not be a way to use mic if there is a voicesetup?

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When you select DirectPlay in the Multplayer screen you can use in-game VoIP, without any external clients. With Sockets you need a third party tool like TeamSpeak and the like...

However, I guess most servers use the Sockets implementation, so you might have a problem to find a game except if you host it on your own.

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mostly i thought the voice software in ofp as a standard wasnt very good, well good for what it is, but third party voice programs such as the following can be used:


Roger Wilco



Personally i reccomend Teamspeak as most ofp servers usually operate a teamspeak server

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Aye, the voice comm thing built into OFP isn't great, it's an addon to an addon bit of the game (The multiplayer wasn't that big a part of the game, and the voice comms a tiny part of that.. Not a lot of work put in to it), where as Teamspeak developers purely concetrate on voice comm smile_o.gif

Also, the direct speaking thing has a annoying habit of getting stuck on, or turning on when trying to put caps of while typing etc.. Kinda annoying mad_o.gif

But TS you can config so it uses a side mouse button, or the alt button etc, my first squad had a complicated setup for a while, where the Home/End/Del/Page Up/Page Down button taked to the different groups in the squad, then the key config was sent to all members

Do that DirectSpeak!... tounge2.gif

- Ben

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