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Newbie with addons

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Forgive me, and sorry if I posted this on the wrong forum. I am wondering how you install the addons onto OFP? How do you know they are activated? Do the addons which include improvements to the game's vehicles and units show up when I play missions from the original cold war crisis? Such the I've seen better models of Apache heli's around, doe sit mean if I install the fan-designed heli it will show up in the games mission?

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Forgive me, and sorry if I posted this on the wrong forum. I am wondering how you install the addons onto OFP? How do you know they are activated? Do the addons which include improvements to the game's vehicles and units show up when I play missions from the original cold war crisis? Such the I've seen better models of Apache heli's around, doe sit mean if I install the fan-designed heli it will show up in the games mission?

Place the PBO file of the addon in the "addons" folder in your Flashpoint directory and after then they will show up in the mission editor.

It's as simple as that smile_o.gif

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Welcome to forums biggrin_o.gif first off to install addons you must place them (the .pbo files) into your 'Addons' folder in your Operation flashpoint dierectory. Once its in there you can open up the mission editor and the said addon will be on the units list on one of the sides (east,west,resistance,civ) and either under its own catorgary or in one of the others (men,vehicle,air,support,etc..)

And no most addons do not replace vehicles in OFPs orginal campaighn or single player missions. If you want to play with them you must either download fan made missions useing the addon or make your own missions. Although there are a few unit replacment mods out there that Do replace all the standerd units into new ones and useble in orginial flashpoint missions.

Hope that helped smile_o.gif

Edit: darn iron sight got in before me tounge2.gif

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Thanks for the replies, really helped clear some issues. So i'm guessing mods are totally different things? like FDF? or Liberation?

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Thanks for the replies, really helped clear some issues. So i'm guessing mods are totally different things? like FDF? or Liberation?

Yes, you will need mod folders to work. All this is explained in The Avonlady's OFP FAQ. Search for "mod folders" smile_o.gif

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Questions about addons/mods belong in A&M:D, moving smile_o.gif

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