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Major Gripe

Running OFP on an external HD

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This may seem like a completely noob question, but i wanted to check that I will be able to play OFP without any lag in performance from a external HD connected through a USB 2.0. Would I be better going for a SATA connection instead? Any advice would be appreciated.

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Would I be better going for a SATA connection instead?

Obviously tounge2.gif

S-ATA is meant for internal, continious usage, where external HDD's are only meant for storage/back-up duty wink_o.gif

USB2.0 doesn't have nearly the speed S-ATA has.

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Guest The Cobra
USB2.0 doesn't have nearly the speed S-ATA has.

How about FireWire?

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USB V2 and Firewire are general use things, S-ATA is designed primarily for harddrives. SATA is a LOT faster than USB/Firewire.

A friend ran OFP of a firewire HD no problem though. OFP isn't really that demanding. Games that stream stuff of the HD (San Andreas is the most obvious one I can think of) will benfit from a faster HD, but most of the OFP stuff it loaded into memory when you start the game.

So yeh, you can play OFP of an external HD no problems.

"Although theoretically 80 Kbps slower than USB 2, Firewire is still faster than USB 2 for real world use, plus it's bootable AND self-powering, whereas USB 2 is not."

So aslong as you have a spare plug, the USB2 thing is fine smile_o.gif

- Ben

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