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Mid 1993 USMC BDU's

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Were there any major differences between the U.S. NATO Woodland BDU's used in the 1980's and 1990's between the US Army and the Marine Corps?

I ask because I've been wanting some decent looking Woodland Marine units for around 1993.

HYK's look good but they just don't quite look like Marines, any knowledgable feedback on this would be very helpful.

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Unless I have the wrong version of HYK soldiers are didn't get any info, HYK only made SF,Infantry,Airborne,and rangers in different color and styled uniforms. No marines

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Were there any major differences between the U.S. NATO Woodland BDU's used in the 1980's and 1990's between the US Army and the Marine Corps?

I ask because I've been wanting some decent looking Woodland Marine units for around 1993.

HYK's look good but they just don't quite look like Marines, any knowledgable feedback on this would be very helpful.

No, the BDU's were the same, with the exception of the cover.

The standard BDU cap used by the Army, and Air Force was a round pill box cap.

The Marines, and Navy, used an eight-point cover.

There were differences in the way they wore their BDUs, like how the Marines rolled their blouse sleeves.

To me, the USMC woodland BDU's particularly the summer weight rip-stop looked a little faded too, almost appearing a little blue.

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MArines also place their name patches above the right back pocklet, the BUS tend to blue due to being washed with bluejeans of naval personal often they tend to bleed. Marines bdus tend to seem more time in the field thus greater wear and fading. Having dealt with both supply systems they are the same uniform, the Marines tend to have the EGA printed on them prior to gettig into using actual name and branch of service tags.

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Sometime in the 90'ties(I think) the BDU changes from 100% cotton to 50% cotton and 50% nylon which has more "moderate" colours.


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Naw more like most combat units switched to wearing the summer weight bdus over the winter weight buds, if you spent any amoutn of time martching in winter weight BDUs your thighs would get rubbed raw inside. They were lighter and didn't mildew as badly in wet conditions usyalky would dry while you were wearing them in the field

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Any plans for some unit addon makers to have this available?  It seems all it needs is a few minor modifications to the uniform.

Just curious.


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Why was a few marine adodns released before Suchies that were in correct uniforms, and gear maybe just update them seeing everybody has to have the latest thing. Maybe see if its ok to rework the skins on the codeblue guys and replace the head and hands they be perfecct. Someplace got reskined Mariness in woodland and tricolor desert.

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