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sideairfriction and effects on bombs

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Trying to predict the release point to hit a target with Free Fall bombs.

With a sideairfriction of about 0.2 this;

_BomberSpeed = (speed vehicle (leader _TeamX)*1000)/(60*60)

_DropMark = sqrt((2 * _BomberHeight)/9.8) * _BomberSpeed

give a very good indication of horizontal distance from target for the bomb release .............. but as the sideairfriction value changes there are large variances in the drop-point but I'm having trouble calculating the effect of the sideairfriction value 0.0 through to 1.0

Anyone know the maths relationship the 0.0 to 1.0 values has on the weapon free fall model ? huh.gif

FYI, trying to finalise development of a "Virtual Bomber" addon that allows many of the already existing bomb armed Aircraft addons to become true strike bombers. I'm very close ....


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I was hoping someone else could give you a definitive answer sad_o.gif The closest I've come to calculating Air Friction in OFP is with my mortars. That involved a lot of trial and error, but once I found a formula (pseudo drag coefficient), it was easy enough to change for different types of Mortar rounds. But taking around 4 seconds to calculate a trajectroy, I doubt it would be fast enough for what you wanted.

I think the best method (and the most abstract from my point of view) might be to use CoC's Neural Network functions. Like I said, I cant really help you there. But it might be worth asking if it's possible, on their forum?

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I had the same problem.. no real solution. But... you could just use a bomb that you know the sideairfriction value is .2... just make the plane drop the bomb, delete the bomb, and spawn a new one in it's place.

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Thx guys, looks like I'll resort to a simple "correction" array based on test results.

I made a bomber with 5 different sideairfrictions bombs and did a series of tests on level ground to determine the overall effect on hit-point vs height/speed/friction, should work well enough for now. The VBomber addon will allow a manual correct number also, if you know the error for your plane/mish.

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